How to lose weight permanentaly?

You can lose weight permanently to apply these methods. If you really want to lose weight then try this and you will see the result in just 30 days.


  • Exercise 30-60min. everyday.
  • Eat small meals often and don't skip meals.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables with every meal.
  • Weigh yourself daily.
  • Keep a food journal with you always or you can make your own menu diary.
  • Remove all unhealthy snacks from the home.
  • Store only healthy snacks and foods at home.
  • Schedule physical activities with friends often.
  • Eat at home often.
  • Don't use serving bowls.
  • Fill up on healthy foods before dessert.
  • Make active choices for everyday tasks.
  • Don't eat while watching TV.
  • Vary activities.
  • Never eat from containers.
  • De-stress before eating.
  • Start with high fiber breakfast like fruits or veggies.
  • Walk 30mins. everyday.
  • Throw out large plates. Eat only in small plates.
  • Avoid transfat or high colestrol foods.
  • Use a mirror to measure success.


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