
Showing posts from September, 2017

How to make steamed vegetables tasty?

Boiled vegetables is good for those who have skin problems, acidity problems and want to lose weight. Boiled vegetables are easy to digest and help to treat inflamation of the stomach.As vegetables are low in calories and high in nutrients and water, they aid in losing weight in a healthy manner. INGREDIETS:- Carrot- 2 Beans-1/2 cup Brocolli-1/2cup Cauliflower-1/2cup Peas- 1/2cup Potato- 1/2 cup Onion- 1(chopped) Flaxseed powder- 1tbsp Chat masala-1tsp seasoning- as taste Roasted cumin- 1/2tsp. Lemon juice- 1 tbsp You can add or remove vegetables as your choices. METHOD :- Take 1/2 cup water in a pan and boil it on medium flame. Add all vegetables and salt in it and cooked for 5mins or until water removes completely. Take vegetables in a bowl and sprinkle onion, lemon juice on it and mix. Then sprinkle chat masala, roasted cumin, seasoning on it. You can add flaxseed powder or not. Its depend on your choice.


Boondi kheer is an indian sweet recipe and basically made in Bihar and Bengal.         INGREDIETS OF BOONDI KHEER Sweet boondi- 1 cup Condensed milk-1 cup Whole fat milk- 1 lit( or you can take milk powder also) Almonds- 1tbsp cardamom powder- 1tsp                             METHOD Take a deep pan and add milk and condensed milk in it. Boil it for 10mins. keep continuosly stiring it . Add sweet boondi in it and stir it for 10mins. Turn OFF the flame and add almond and cardamom powder in it. Take it in a bowl and garnish it with some almonds or pistachios. Refridge it for 2hrs and serve it.

How to lose weight permanentaly?

You can lose weight permanently to apply these methods. If you really want to lose weight then try this and you will see the result in just 30 days. INSTRUCTIONS: Exercise 30-60min. everyday. Eat small meals often and don't skip meals. Keep yourself hydrated. Eat fruits and vegetables with every meal. Weigh yourself daily. Keep a food journal with you always or you can make your own menu diary. Remove all unhealthy snacks from the home. Store only healthy snacks and foods at home. Schedule physical activities with friends often. Eat at home often. Don't use serving bowls. Fill up on healthy foods before dessert. Make active choices for everyday tasks. Don't eat while watching TV. Vary activities. Never eat from containers. De-stress before eating. Start with high fiber breakfast like fruits or veggies. Walk 30mins. everyday. Throw out large plates. Eat only in small plates. Avoid transfat or high colestrol foods. Use a mirror to measure su


Cabbage kheer is so yummy in taste.Its one of my favourite recipe. Today i show you how to make it.  What do we need? 1 medium size cabbage shredded 2l milk 1/2cup sugar or you can take it as per taste 2tbsp ghee some dryfruits  HOW TO PREPARE IT? Take milk in a deep pan in low flame. Boil it for 20-25min till it remains half or you can take 1/2kg condensed milk also from any dairy shop. When it remains half then turn off the flame and keep it aside. Then we take other pan and add ghee in it and heat it. Then add cabbage in it and fry it for 10 mins or when it turns golden brown. Then add milk in it and cooked it for 10min. Add sugar in it and stir well.  Take it in a bowl and garnish it with dryfriuts. Serve it hot and enjoy your yummy cabbage kheer. NOTE- If u take condensed milk then u also take 1/2l milk and mix both and heat it.😊


INGREDIETS:- Papaya(raw or semi ripe)-1 kg Sugar- 100gm Mawa( whole dry milk)-250gm(grated) Ghee- 2 tbsp Dry fruits- 2tbsp How to prepare it:- Heat ghee in a deep frying pan.  Add grated papaya in it and fry it till it turns into golden brown. Then add sugar and mawa in it and keep stiring till it dry. Add dryfruits in it and remove it from gas stove. Your dessert is ready. Take it in a bowl and garnish it with some dryfruits. Serve it hot or cold. ITS SO YUMMY.